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General Information
Address : 733 Kearny Street, San Francisco, CA 94108
Phone no : 415.982.6353
Email : tracy.tran@reefparking.com
Regular Hours: Sunday - Thursday 5 am to Midnight (Garage will be closed between the hours of 12 am to 5 am)
Friday - Saturday 5 am to 1 am (Garage will be closed between the hours of 1 am to 5 am)
Height clearance : 7’-0”
Q: Does Portsmouth Square Garage provide EV charge stations? Locations?
A : Yes, they are located on the left side of the Main Entrance, click here for details.
Q: Is bicycle parking provided?
A: Yes, they are located on the left side of the main entrance, click here for details.
Q: Are there any validation programs? Which businesses provide validated parking?
A: Yes. Please see validation programs here.
Q: What are the operating hours of Portsmouth Square Garage?
A: Sunday - Thursday 5 am to Midnight (Garage will be closed between the hours of 12 am to 5 am)
Friday - Saturday 5 am to 1 am (Garage will be closed between the hours of 1 am to 5 am)
Q: What are the cross streets of the garage?
A: On Kearny Street, between Washington Street and Clay Street.
Q: Is there valet parking?
A: There is no daily valet parking. There is valet parking for special events.
Q: How many parking spaces are there in the garage?
A: 456 parking spaces.
Q: What time does the Park Elevator close?
A: Operating hours for the Park Elevator is 5 am to 10 pm.
Q: Are there public restrooms?
A: Patrons have access to the restrooms on the Main Entrance level. Access code is printed on the top of the parking ticket.
Q: What is the maximum height of the vehicle allowed in the garage?
A: Height clearance is 7’-0”.
Q: What is the maximum charge for tickets per day?
A: $38.
Q: How much time do I have to exit the garage after I pay?
A: 15 minutes.
Q: How does one apply for monthly parking?
A: Fill in the application form at the cashier office located on the Main Entrance level.
Q: What is the charge for a lost ticket?
A: $38.
Q: Are credit card payments accepted?
A: We accept Visa, Master, American Express, Discover. Apple Pay and Google Pay are also accepted on the Skidata payment machine.
Q: Is there any flat rate parking?
A: $8 flat rate parking is available:
Sunday through Thursday, enter after 5pm and exit by 12am (Exit after 12am, maximum rate applies)
Friday & Saturday, enter after 5 pm and exit by 1 am (Exit after 1 am, maximum rate applies)
Q: Is there parking available for individuals with accessibility issues ?
A: Yes, there are parking spaces available on the Main Entrance level for individuals who have disabled parking placards.
Q: Who do I do to get my car out when the gate is closed after 12 midnight?
A: Call the command center at 415.956.8003 or 628.219.3906. Please allow 30 minutes for staff to come to open the gate.
Q: Is there an extra charge to get my car out after midnight?
A: There is no extra charge.
Q: Are there in-out privileges?
A: There are no in-out privileges.