Hourly & Daily Rates
Address: 733 Kearny Street, San Francisco, CA 94108
Phone no: 415.982.6353
Regular Hours: Sunday - Thursday 5 am to Midnight (Garage will be closed between the hours of 12 am to 5 am)
Friday - Saturday 5 am to 1 am (Garage will be closed between the hours of 1 am to 5 am)
Height clearance: 7’-0”
Hourly & Daily Rates
Transient $4 per hour
Evening $8 Maximum
Sunday through Thursday, enter after 5 pm and exit by 12 am
Friday & Saturday, enter after 5 pm and exit by 1 am
(Regular rates will apply when entering or exiting at other times)
7 - 12 Hours $32
12 - 24 Hours $38 Maximum
Daily Maximum/ Lost Ticket $38 Maximum
Other Rates, Fees and Charges
New Account Activation Fee $40
Access Card Replacement $40
Late Monthly Payment $40
Re-opening Garage $63
No-key Valet Parking $40
Special Event Rate $8 to $58
(Special event rate will be subject to SFMTA staff review & approval)