Community Photo Exhibition
Over sixty years ago, San Francisco’s Chinatown business and community leaders banded together to establish the Portsmouth Plaza Parking Corporation (PPPC), a nonprofit corporation. Our community leaders recognized the need and desire for convenient, affordable parking to attract visitors and tourists to boost the local economy in Chinatown. With their own personal money, they researched the viability of building the Portsmouth Square Garage by planning for private financing and construction and hiring attorneys, architects, and engineers for studies, even before the plan finally won support and approval by the City and County of San Francisco.
Portsmouth Square Garage remains a treasured community institution and continues to significantly benefit our community today.
Since August 26, 2022, as part of PPPC’s year-long 60th Anniversary celebration, New Dynamic Cultural Communications has curated a photo collection, “Chinese Culture Through the Lens”, which is exhibited inside the Portsmouth Square Garage.
The series of colorful photos depict the various scenes in Chinatown over the years and the generations of Chinese immigrants who have helped shape our Chinatown community. Also included in this series of photos are nine black-and-white historical photos of the Portsmouth Square Plaza before and during the building of the Portsmouth Square Garage. A different photo exhibition theme will be updated every three months.
In addition to PPPC, the other organizers of this photo exhibition include Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association, BeChinatown, Project Management, and New Dynamic Cultural Communication – Art Station.

9/9 Public Online Voting Awards Ceremony
9/9 Public Online Voting Awards Ceremony
Public Online Voting of "I Love Chinatown" Children's Art Contest winners will be announced in an Awards Ceremony.
ALSO: Lucky drawing for voters. Need not to be present at the award ceremony.
The awards ceremony will take place at Portsmouth Square Garage at 11 AM on Saturday, September 9, 2023, located at: 733 Kearny Street, San Francisco, CA 94108.
我愛唐人街 - 兒童/青少年繪畫創作獲獎者, 公眾最愛網上投票結果公佈及頒獎典禮, 舉行日期及地點:
9 月 9 日星期六上午 11 點
花園角停車場 (三藩市乾尼街 733 號)
同時: 參加選民幸運抽獎, 無需出席頒獎典禮。
An exhibit of art images is on display at the Portsmouth Square Garage from May 2023 through September 2023.
Photo Exhibition
Portsmouth Square Garage
Historical pictures
Chinese Culture Through the Lens
Generations of Chinatown community
Stop Asian Hate
Stand up & voice out
Crossover project of PSG and APA Family Support Services
Children’s Art Contest
Crossover project of PSG and APA Family Support Services
Children’s Art Contest
Crossover project of PSG and APA Family Support Services
Children’s Art Contest
Crossover project of PSG and APA Family Support Services
Children’s Art Contest
Crossover project of PSG and APA Family Support Services
Children’s Art Contest
Crossover project of PSG and APA Family Support Services
Children’s Art Contest
Crossover project of PSG and APA Family Support Services
Children’s Art Contest