9/23 Chinatown Art Contest Awards Ceremony
9/23 Chinatown Art Contest Awards Ceremony
Public Online Voting of "I Love Chinatown" Children's Art Contest winners will be announced in an Awards Ceremony.
ALSO: Lucky drawing for voters. Need not to be present at the award ceremony.
The awards ceremony will take place at Portsmouth Square Garage at 10 AM on Saturday, September 23, 2023, located at: 733 Kearny Street, San Francisco, CA 94108.
我愛唐人街 - 兒童/青少年繪畫創作獲獎者, 公眾最愛網上投票結果公佈及頒獎典禮, 舉行日期及地點:
9 月 23 日星期六上午 10 點
花園角停車場 (三藩市乾尼街 733 號)
同時: 參加選民幸運抽獎, 無需出席頒獎典禮。
An exhibit of art images is on display at the Portsmouth Square Garage from May 2023 through September 2023.